Putting Small Medium Enterprise at the heart of Green Industry

SMEs are the heartbeat of communities, driving economic growth and creating opportunities for all.

Our mission is to place SMEs at the core of Green Manufacturing and the Circular Economy by unifying and simplifying complex production data, processes and systems into configurable, deployable and monetisable digital process twins.

Representing 90% of global business, SMEs are key to advancing the triple bottom line.

SUSI is an early stage startup dedicated to simplifying the complexity of data and AI to help SMEs unlock their human potential and drive the green industrial agenda.

  • Our focus on outcomes and impact helps track and communicate ROI throughout the transformation journey

  • Granular level insights and tracking at each step of the production process makes recommendations and actions easier to surface

  • Factual and data-driven reporting across the end to end monitored process facilitates ease of internal and external communication

  • Role-based, AI-assisted recommendations and traceability make it easy for all users to understand and leverage available and relevant

For the vast majority of SMEs, the journey to digital transformation can seem daunting, with complex systems, isolated data, limited capital and the need for specialised skills.

At SUSI, we are dedicated to empowering SMEs by simplifying the transformation of the wealth of operational information available to SMEs – encompassing data, processes, documentation, flowcharts, and more – into a cohesive digital twin of production. This unified process allows SMEs to gain a comprehensive view of their operations, identifying areas of challenge and opportunity in real-time with ease, guiding their manufacturing practices towards greater efficiency and sustainability.

Upload any process related data, files or images for automatic context extraction

  • Handles upload and processing of different file types
  • Context extraction based on industry, process and best practices

Our Product Vision

Leverage AI automation to visually configure and deploy the extracted process

  • Aligns to SME specific businesses and operational context
  • Assisted automation to test, validate, deploy the target process

Access recommendations and real time actions for sustainable production

  • Optimise efficiency, waste and sustainability management through real-time alerts
  • Take advantage of AI-assisted insights and recommendations to improve outcomes

Key Product Features

  • Intuitive interfaces prioritises user experience, ensuring seamless adoption and maximum engagement across all levels of your organisation

  • We streamline the process of collecting and organising production process information across systems, data and human actions to enable an end to end process view that enables users of all skill levels to access insights and drive optimisation

  • By creating configurable digital replicas of your manufacturing processes, we provide invaluable insights and predictive capabilities tailored to your business needs and drivers to optimize efficiency and reduce environmental impact

  • Our dashboards include data-driven insights to waste, sustainability and inefficiency, empowering SMEs to implement targeted strategies aligned to improve performance

Join Our Prototype Testing Program Today

1. Exclusive Access: Gain early access to our prototype technology before it hits the market. Be among the first to experience its potential to transform your production operations. 

2. Influence Product Development: Your participation matters! Shape the future of our product by providing valuable feedback on features and design elements. Your insights will directly impact the final version of the product. 

3. Hands-On Experience: Dive into the prototype and explore its functionalities firsthand. Test its capabilities within a sandbox environment and discover how it can streamline your operations.

 4. Feedback Sessions: Participate in dedicated feedback sessions where you can share your thoughts, suggestions, and experiences with our development team. Help us fine-tune the product to better meet your needs and expectations.

 5. Incentives and Rewards: As a thank you for your participation, receive exclusive incentives or discounts on future purchases of the finalised product. Your contribution is invaluable, and we want to show our appreciation for your support.

Ready to be part of the innovation journey? Sign up now and get ready to experience the future of SUSI firsthand!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to be at the forefront of innovation and drive transformative change in your industry.

Sign up now to stay informed and take your manufacturing operations to the next level!

Meet the Team

Elisabeth Drzaic-Lang

Already in my first conversation with Raquel it got very evident that we both share a common passion for innovation and how to ensure that it is delivering for a better, brighter future. Having found a partner like Raquel is an amazing gift and I am looking forward to working with her on putting all our knowledge, experience, determination and passion into the service for our clients, to support them on their journey into a sustainable, futureproof future. 

  • Co-Founder

    Elisabeth is a start-up and eco-system builder with more than 25 years of experience in big international companies, driving growth through empowering people and businesses alike to become catalysts for transformative change in our world.

Elisabeth and I bonded over a shared vision of innovation in service of collective value. I am excited to be building something remarkable that will help our clients drive sustainable industry for the economy, the environment and our society at large.

  • Co-Founder

    Raquel is a seasoned startup veteran with over 20 years of experience in emerging and deep tech. Throughout her career, she's been dedicated to helping enterprise clients generate more value, leveraging the power of data, AI, and Web3 technology. With her expertise, Raquel has consistently guided businesses towards growth, co-creating innovative solutions that drive success.

Why “SUSI”?

We were inspired by the Tagalog word for "key" (su·sì) and our belief that mastering data and AI are the keys to helping our clients unlock their full potential to transform industry and our society.

The simple word "susi" is a reminder that even the smallest key can unlock great possibilities.


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